Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Moon Phases WebQuest

Learning Target: On my own I can observe the moon, and with my table group I can visually represent what I saw using words, pictures, and/or actions.
EARL 4: Earth and Science for 4th grade
“Students will know that the sun and moon appear to have patterns of movement that can be inferred by observing and recording shadows cast by the sun.”

                                       To all the astronauts in Miss Plotke’s class:
There is a very important mission from NASA that only YOU can accomplish. We have noticed that every night the shape of the moon changes very slightly, and we are worried that the moon is going to disappear! We need YOU to monitor it, and record your data so we can get to the bottom of this mysterious disappearing moon issue. Please be sure to follow the instructions set out for you, and if you have any questions ask your knowledgeable teacher. Thank you for your willingness to help NASA discover what is happening to our beautiful moon. Your research will be most useful.
                                                                                          We will be in contact with you soon,


As you observe the Moon over a month, you notice it changes. Sometimes the right side is in sunlight; other times it’s the left. Sometimes you see it at night; sometimes you see it during daytime.
This WebQuest will help you understand why the Moon changes shape throughout the month.
You will need to read the information available on the webpages you visit. All answers can be found one or more of the websites. Your task is to read and find the information.
Your task is to explain why the Moon changes appearance throughout the month.  Using the webpages provides, you will complete each of the following projects.  As you explore the Moon, you will complete the following worksheet. It will help you better understand why the Moon's appearance changes.

Name: ________________________________________________

The First Task - Eight Important Phases of the Moon
You should know eight important phases of the Moon. For one week, please observe the moon outside and draw what you see. If you are unable to see the moon because of the clouds please use your links to complete the table below. For the rest of the days of the month please refer to the links in order to fill out each day of the calendar. In the top of each square, write the phase of the Moon, and below that draw a picture of what it looks like.

To understand science, you need to understand the words that are used. There are three important terms you need to know and use when discussing phases of the Moon.

Define these five words.

Waxing – __________________________________________________________


Waning – __________________________________________________________


Gibbous – __________________________________________________________


Revolve – __________________________________________________________


Axis – __________________________________________________________


References for task 1

Task Two
NASA needs to know what YOU learned about the mysterious disappearing moon. Is it actually disappearing? Explain in 3-4 sentences why the astronauts at NASA think the moon “disappear”.








References for Task Two

Final Project
In your table groups you will correctly represent and label each of the 8 moon phases by:
·       drawing, creating a 3D display, taking pictures and displaying them in a creative manner, use a computer to make a power point or prezi, creating a reenactment of the moon phases using your bodies, writing poems to describe the rotation of the moon (include visuals as well), if you have a different idea OK it with Miss Plotke first.
Use the vocabulary words correctly when labeling the moon phases

Here are a few examples:

Rubric : Moon Phases
Student Name:     ________________________________________

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Extends audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience.
Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them.
Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.
Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.
Shows a full understanding of the eight phases of the Moon as well as the role the Sun and Earth play in the change of the Moon’s shape.
Shows a good understanding of the Moon as well as the role the Sun and Earth play in the change of the Moon’s shape.
Shows a good understanding of parts of the Moon as well as the role the Sun and Earth play in the change of the Moon’s shape.
Does not seem to understand the Moon as well as the role the Sun and Earth play in the change of the Moon’s shape very well.
Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.
The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.
Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Visual Representation
Visual representation is very creative and organized, and looks like a lot of time and care was put into creating it.
Visual representation is kind of creative and organized, and looks like some time and care was put into creating it.
Visual representation is not very creative and organized, and looks like little time and care was put into creating it.
Visual representation is not creative or organized, and looks like no time or care was put into creating it.
Evaluates Peers
Fills out peer evaluation completely and always gives scores based on the presentation rather than other factors (e.g., person is a close friend).
Fills out almost all of the peer evaluation and always gives scores based on the presentation rather than other factors (e.g., person is a close friend).
Fills out most of the peer evaluation and always gives scores based on the presentation rather than other factors (e.g., person is a close friend).
Fills out most of the peer evaluation but scoring appears to be biased.

Peer Evaluation
Partner #1 Name: ______________________________

         On a scale from 1-5 (1 being not involved at all and 5 being extremely involved) how involved was this team member in the process of creating this project? 
Circle One: 1         2          3          4          5

Partner #2 Name: ______________________________

         On a scale from 1-5 (1 being not involved at all and 5 being extremely involved) how involved was this team member in the process of creating this project? 
Circle One: 1          2          3          4          5

Partner #3 Name: ______________________________

         On a scale from 1-5 (1 being not involved at all and 5 being extremely involved) how involved was this team member in the process of creating this project? 
Circle One: 1        2          3          4          5

Your Name: ______________________________

         On a scale from 1-5 (1 being not involved at all and 5 being extremely involved) how involved were you in the process of creating this project? 
Circle One: 1          2          3          4          5

  • What sort of answer does the task require?
  • Can the task be broken down into a few smaller tasks (research, organization, arts and crafts, etc.)?
  • If this is a group project, how can the smaller tasks be divided among the group members?
  • Where should you start (hint: use links)?
  • What kinds of information will you need?
  • Where can you find it?
  • What can you tell about the quality of the web resources? Are these facts or opinions? What about the authority of the author?
  • How can the info you find be organized or displayed to make it visually appealing?
  • What will you need to create on your own to complete the task (which role will you play in the group)?
  • Do you have enough information to complete the task (do you understand how the Moon, Sun, and Earth work together to create various Moon phases)?
  • If not, what else is needed?
  • Can you explain what each of the vocabulary words mean?
  • Once you have all of the info you need, what is the best way to display it for the group project?
  • Have you checked the rubric and task to make sure that you have completed all aspects of the task?

                        By the end of these two tasks and the final project. Students should know that the sun and moon appear to have patterns of movement that can be seen by observing and recording shadows cast by the sun.

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